Monday, March 22, 2010

Minolta Digital Cameras

minolta digital cameras

Nowadays digital cameras are in rage, and it is not surprising, since they moved up the concept of photography on a new level. The owners of digital cameras enjoy the ability to take quality pictures without the need to wait for them to be developed. Those who are more on a professional side of photography should consider purchasing a Minolta digital camera.

About the Minolta Brand

Before purchasing a Minolta digital camera, you might want to know a little background about the company itself. Minolta, a Japanese camera company, was founded 1928 in Osaka, Japan. The founder of the company was Kazuo Tajima, and the original name of the company was the Japanese meaning of "Japan-Germany Camera Shop."

It was not until 1962 that the company officially became known as Minolta. It was also in 1962 that John Glenn took a Minolta Hi-Matic camera (that was specially modified) into space with him aboard the Freedom 7.

minolta digital cameras

In 2003, Minolta merged with the Konica Corporation to become Konica Minolta. However, this partnership did not last very long, because Konica Minolta announced on January 19, 2006 that they were leaving the camera business and selling part of their SLR camera business to Sony.

About Minolta Digital Cameras

Minolta digital cameras were designed mainly to enter the professional digital photography market. Thus, the DiMage line of Minolta digital cameras was created not only as an avenue for advancement in the digital camera market, but also as a way for professional photographer to purchase a camera from a trusted brand. This line included scanners and software as well as the digital cameras themselves.

minolta digital cameras

DiMage cameras (specifically the DiMage 7) were designed for people who had experience using 35 millimeter SLR or single-lens reflex cameras. However, this line of cameras was more advantageous being easier to use, since the photographer would not have to deal with the complications of such things as interchangeable lenses. Thus, these cameras were meant to be sophisticated in design and purpose, but at the same easy to use, just like today's digital cameras.

minolta digital cameras

Although Minolta digital cameras are no longer in the production, they are still available for purchase. Prices of these cameras will most likely be high, since no more are being made, but they are totally worth it. With any of the Minolta digital cameras you can be sure that you are getting excellent equipment - reliable and professional at the same time.