Monday, March 1, 2010

Digital Slr Cameras

digital slr cameras

SLR stands for Digital Single lens Reflex. An SLR camera's viewfinder has the capability to have direct light during shoots. The location of the mirror inside the digital camera enables such a feature. This process enables the viewfinder to create pentaprism. Pentaprism aids in placing the image in the right angle on your screen. The best digital SLR camera would help you in finding the right angle for you.

What's best about digital SLRs?

SLR digital cameras have an extensive scope of focal length of lens. This means that you would not need to buy costly lenses required for different kinds of photography. A lot of photo enthusiasts find the SLR cameras as the best digital cameras. The mentioned feature of SLRs allows photographers to stick to a single lens which results to speedier work.

The high-end models of digital SLRs are equipped with a Live view mode. With the use of LCD, you can put together your images. Prism will redirect the image to small sensor that delivers to the camera's LCD. And because SLRs have contrast autofocus, manual focusing won't be a need.

digital slr cameras

What are the kinds of digital SLRs?

There are three kinds of digital SLR.

1.Interchangeable-lens full system digital SLR- With this kind, you have the option to buy and change your lenses the way you like it. You can get a supertelefoto or super bid angle. It depends on your pocket and your usage. You must remember that brands must go together. The brand of your camera should also be the brand of the lenses you would purchase. The Nikon D300 is just one brand for this kind of digital SLR

2.Fixed lens digital - The lenses of these SLRs are permanent. The adaptability is also limited. However, you can be sure that this digital camera will be dust free forever. You can add some gadgets like a non-moving mirror to enable your viewfinder to get some light thru a sensor. The Olympus E-20N carries this kind of fixed lens digital SLR camera.

3.SLR-like or SLR-style- This is the normal digital camera that uses an electronic viewfinder (EVF) that is usually a small LCD in lieu of the pentaprism of SLRs. One of the feature of this style is the tremendous long zoom lenses that are often referred to as megazooms. The Canon PowerShot S51S is one brand that carries this type of camera.